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Five Great Reveals From North Korea’s Sony Hack

By this time most are aware about the big hacking of Sony that the FBI has blamed directly on North Korea, but there are always a few late guests to the party who have no idea what I am talking about. If you’re one of those people then how did you find this page? To bring you up to date really… Read more →

The Top 10 Best Christmas Movies

Did you come to this page looking for movies like It’s a Wonderful Life and Miracle on 34th St? Well, you’ve made a terrible mistake. This is not going to go the way you envisioned. Instead, prepare yourself for the ten best Christmas movies that are actually fun to watch. Read more →

Trailer Premiere for The Rock’s Disaster Flick, San Andreas

The Rock has been on fire with the box office numbers lately and he has another huge film around the corner, San Andreas. The movie is a big budget disaster flick about, you guessed it, the San Andreas Fault line. A lot of building collapses and explosions await you. Here’s the film synopsis: Via Warner Bros, After the infamous San Andreas Fault… Read more →

New Terminator Genisys Trailer May Raise Your Hopes (Video)

Here we have the new Terminator Genisys trailer. I had reservations but it actually raised my expectations for this movie. Alcohol, high fat-content meal and energy drinks are not allowed with purchase cialis from india. A Range of ED Drugs Available at A Platform When ordering viagra online purchase kamagra online. Bolen said “The restrictions sought at BUR already have… Read more →

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