Christian Bale offered $50 Million to play Batman?

Batman vs Superman in 2015.

Nuff Said


Is $50 million enough to get Christian Bale to throw on the cape and cowl for another ride? That’s the rumored number being offered to the Batman star to return as the Caped Crusader in the recently announced Batman vs Superman (Nerdgasms) movie which is being filmed in 2014. The movie will be a follow up to the highly successful Man of Steel. Now there is much contention on whether this $50 million dollar figure is an actual offer but it would be the amount needed to sign Bale for what would surely be one of the most hyped movies in cinematic history. The thought of seeing Batman and Superman facing off on the big screen in live action is something I’m sure most people never thought would happen. To be fair I never thought I would see Jason vs Freddy either and that didn’t turn out as great as I thought it would when I was a kid. True story: When I was a kid I once told a bunch of my classmates that I had seen a rough trailer for a Freddy vs Jason movie and had them eating out the palm of my hand. I even threw in a surprise Michael Myers appearance at the end credits. I was 10, don’t judge me.

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The thinking is that if Robert Downy Jr can bank $50 million for playing Iron Man in Avengers, a billion dollar movie, then Christian Bale should easily be able to get that for playing Batman especially with the track record his Batman movies have at the box office. Warner Bros was rumored to be looking for an older face to play Batman opposite Henry Cavil’s younger Superman character for this movie and if they cannot snag Bale, who has stated he was tired of the role, they are looking to other actors that may be able to play the playboy millionaire with a dark side. Some of the names that have been thrown around are Man Men’s Jon Hamm, Jake Gyllenhaal, Josh Brolin, Michael Fassbender, and Ryan Gosling. While these names bring box office appeal, the trend for superhero casting has been lesser known actors rather than expensive big names. By casting an unknown Warners will save a ton of money and can sign the actor to a long term deal for pennies rather than break the bank on a star. Let’s be serious, the movie will make a billion dollars regardless, so why not get someone fans are less familiar with who can create their own Batman identity.


Bryan Cranston is rumored to be very interested in playing Lex Luthor, which I would love to see. Make it happen.

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