China has put their military bombers and other aircraft personnel on high alert following a warning from North Korea that they would be conducting a nuclear test on April 20th. The precaution comes after missile tests and other provocation from North Korea against US and South Korea who have been ramping up military exercises together making the North Korean leader… Read more →
Tag Archive for North Korea
Vice President Mike Pence Visits North Korean Border
Vice President Mike Pence took to the air on Sunday heading to South Korea during a tenuous time between the US and North Korea. Arriving in Seoul, Pence will be traveling Asia and he is visiting South Korea at a critical time. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was all set to punctuate the countries “Day of the Sun”… Read more →
Trump vs North Korea: A Scary Game of Chicken
The US and North Korea relationship has never been good but throw in the new trigger happy Trump administration and this is leading to an inevitable conflict very soon. President Trump and his team have spent the past two weeks bombing things while all the little scandals and headlines plaguing the administration has taken a backseat. This may lead to… Read more →
Five Great Reveals From North Korea’s Sony Hack
By this time most are aware about the big hacking of Sony that the FBI has blamed directly on North Korea, but there are always a few late guests to the party who have no idea what I am talking about. If you’re one of those people then how did you find this page? To bring you up to date really… Read more →